The 11th Floor

A Perpsective Overlooking Jerusalem, Israeli Life, and Talmud Torah

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Sugar Frosted Coating

Many places in Israel got snow over the past 48 hours- the Hermon should be full of skiers by this time. Even some parts of the Negev got snowed upon. Last night, it snowed in Jerusalem- not a common occurrence. It kept snowing into the night.

Panic accompanied the snow, with some restaurants closing down early, and traffic becoming slow and congested everywhere the flakes fell. In other cities, Taxis make a fortune when sidewalks are covered in wet slush. Jerusalem cabbies are hard to find when it snows- if only because they know Israeli dirvers loose thier minds in snow. I this may have to do with the following exchange (I can't prove it, but it's probably true):

Driving Student: Okay, I downshift. But what if it was snowing?
Driving Instructor: Snowing? What? It never snows here.
Driving Student: It did last year.
DI: No it did not!
DS: Yes it did... hey, do you even know how to drive in the snow?
DI: I'm sorry, our time is up for today. Get out.

That could explain the panic. Day Care? Closed. Pizza Shop? Closed. Scooter borne delivery messengers who spit in the face of death and drive the wrong way in rush-hour traffic to deliver pizza? Not to be seen.

The flakes actually did not stick to roads, nor did an amount fall that would faze Bostoners, Torontonians, or Chicagoists.

Enough stuck for people to play- and more than enough fell to confuse the hell out of the local cacti.

So this morning, Jerusalem stil had a lovely white coating. Hopefully it will melt in time for lunch; if not, I'm cooking at home.


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